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Fall 2015 Investment Club Meeting at Patterson High School sponsored by CristataCares and The Jonath

We are pleased to announce that the Fall semester 2015 Investment Club Meeting held its first club meeting. The investment club is co-sponsored by Cristata Cares and The Jonathan Ogden Foundation. The meeting was held at Patterson High School on September 16, 2015. The investment club had a record number of club members join and attend the club. The investment club will compete in a stock market/investment contest and is planning to include entreprenuership in our Fall program. The inaugural investment club was started as a pilot program in Spring 2013 with 12 students and now has worked with over 75 students since inception. Twenty Five students have enrolled and participated in our Fall 2015 program. Word is getting out!!

Congratulations to Ms. Kelley Bagdasarian, Principal Vance Benton, Ms.Loretta Kavanaugh/Business Teacher, our Cristata Cares Team, Patterson High School, and above all the student members who have made this happen. Great Work!! We will soon post some photos and will keep our friends, followers, and supporters posted as we continue in our mission!! Thank you!

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