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Ms. LaTara Harris AT&T Presents Check to Dr. Sarah Hemminger and Thread

A check for $10,000.00 was donated to Thread. Dr. Sarah Hemminger and Dr. Gregory Thornton presided while Ms. LaTara Harris, Regional Director AT&T, Dr. Gregorty presented a check for $10,000. Dr. Gregory Thornton, CEO BCPSS was guest speaker during this special evening at Johns Hopkins University Charles Commons. The evening was full of fun-filled events, thank you AT&T, Ms. LaTara Harris, Dr. Gregory Thornton, Thread, and Johns Hopkins in making this a very special event. This would not have been possible without the students, families, and community partners who care, and special thanks to BCPSS and Dr. Gregory Thornton, you are making Baltimore a great city.

This was the second Annual Community Resource Fair, prizes, raffles, book bags, gifts, and a dinner were just some of the parts of this special event. Students are making incredible progress because of partners, families, schools, and all who care. We are very grateful in working as a partner with BCPSS. Thank you for making this a very special evening.

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