Are You Game????
Dear Friends and Followers: We are pleased to announce that CristataCares is rolling out financial applications using Apple IOS and...

We Welcome Kirk Crawley, Esq. Advisory Board Member.
We are pleased to announce our most recent advisory board member Kirk Crawley, Esq. or otherwise known as Dr. Crawley in education...

We are pleased to announce our first financial app at App Store.
Go to App Store and using the "search" tool, enter "Cristata." Try this app, it is "free," and will help you to learn about stocks,...

CristataCares Stock Market Game App is Now Available at Apple App Store
http://www.cristatacares.org/#!stock-game-app/fo4f6 Ever wondered what it would be like to be a day-trader on the stock market?...

CristataCares hits a New High!!!
WE are thrilled to anounce that CristataCares has a released a new Apple App in finance. It can be accessed through Apple Apps. Our...